The goal of the Contrails project is to help preserve and disseminate the technical record of 20th century aerospace research, highlighting in particular the research endeavors of the Illinois Tech community.

A sample of reports related to Illinois Tech:

Thermophysical Aspects and Feasibility of a Jupiter Atmospheric Entry

Gilligan, J. E.
IIT Research Institute

On the Interpretation of the Output of Hot-Film Anemometers and a Scheme of Dynamic Compensation for Water Temperature Variation

Tan-atichat, J., Nagib, H. M., Pluister, J. W.
Mechanics and Mechanical and Aersopace Engineering Department, Illinois Institute of Technology

The Dynamic Viscoplastic Expansion of a Cylindrical Tube

Appleby, Edmund J.
Illinois Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanics
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Recently Digitized Reports:

Thermophysical Aspects and Feasibility of a Jupiter Atmospheric Entry

Gilligan, J. E.
IIT Research Institute

Guide to Captured German Documents

Weinberg, Gerhard L.
Air University, Human Reseources Research Institute

Servomechanisms Theory: A Familiarization Course

Bumblebee Controls Group
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